Sexuality is a taboo topic for Indonesian families. Because sexual behavior is heavily influenced by cultural and customary norms, sexual orientation, and most importantly religion. Indonesians embrace Islam by the end of or Students are a group that uses and is connected to the internet every day, making all individual activities easier and accessing information faster. But behind the benefits, of course, there are also negative impacts from those who abuse the internet by sharing pornographic sites. Several social media found lots of pictures, videos, stories, with pornographic elements that spread freely without any protection. The activity of accessing, distributing and providing pornographic content is called cybersex. Cybersex is not a new phenomenon in Indonesia but it is increasing due to the pandemic and has had many negative impacts on the younger generation. One of the things that can be done to avoid cybersex is to increase self-control. The study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between self-control and cybersex behavior in female students in one of normal in Indonesia. Respondents in this study were female students in one of normal city university of Indonesia, as many as subjects aged 18 to 24 years and were not married. This study uses a quantitative method with data collection techniques using a questionnaire through the Google form. The results of the data analysis show that there is a negative relationship between self-control and cybersex behavior. This can be seen from the results of the hypothesis test using Spearman rho with a result of 0. Cybersex is a topic of controversy because it relates to how physical and mental health conditions result from the negative impacts it causes. Recommended that future researchers use qualitative or experimental research methods to obtain more in-depth research results and it is not recommended to use quantitative research methods because the scale used will cause the subject to fill in a scale that does not correspond to his condition. CybersexFemale studentsSelf-controlCorrelational studyRegional study. Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences. Research Article. Create Research Close. Abstract Sexuality is a taboo topic for Indonesian families. Arifani, R. Averil, J. Psychologycal Bulletin, 80 4 Azwar, S. Pustaka Most Sex Addict Countries Azwar, S. Cybersex addiction: A study on Most Sex Addict Countries college students. Hubungan antara self-control dengan perilaku konsumtif online shopping produk fashion pada mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran universitas sam ratulangi angkatan The relationship between self-control and consumptive behavior of online shopping for fashion products among students of the Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University, class of Most Sex Addict Countries Jurnal E-Biomedik, 3 1 Hazelden Foundation. Cavaglion, G. Narratives of suffering among Italian female partners of cybersex and cyber-porn dependents. An Internet Study of Cybersex Participants. Journal Archives of Sexual Behavior. Faculty of Psychology, Makassar State University. Faculty of Psychology. Malang Muhammadiyah University. Ferree, M. Women and the web: Cybersex activity and implications. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 18 3 Teori-teori Psikologi Psychological Theories.
Average age of victims was Shaw JA editor. Sex in History. Sexual self-schemas: An exploration of their impact on frequency of masturbation and sexual activity, sexual satisfaction, and marital adjustment. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51 2 , Sexual and reproductive health study;
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Responses were collected on the availability of data on service use by immigrant patients, the provision of interpreting services and immigrant staff members. This book exposes how a coalition of political, religious, and civic leaders are using the issue of sex to frighten, misinform, and bully Americans--paving. Child sex offenders thrive in Southeast Asian countries, where laws are rife with loopholes and victims are most vulnerable. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that may be related to belief in sexual myth in university students. Methods: This study was. Cambodia's underdeveloped.This condition may be related to the customary independence of the boys compared to the girls and their upbringing that is more open to be abused. It is known that the frequent and long term abuse, the act committed by using force, the occurrence of penetration and being acquainted with the abuser may result in more destructive and permanent effects on the child Abstract Background: Sexual myths are exaggerated, incorrect and unscientific ideas on sexuality that people believe to be true. Baskı Uzunluğu. Some of the facts are appalling! This can be seen from the results of the hypothesis test using Spearman rho with a result of 0. Abstract Sexuality is a taboo topic for Indonesian families. Even though These findings indicate that the distribution of the psychiatric diagnoses changes according to the age and the kind of the act. When the distribution according to the age groups was assessed, it was determined that the highest number of the cases were in the age group of 12 years and over in girls From this point of view, keeping these cases on regular followup and treatment is very important. Pamukkale Tıp Dergisi ;6 3 Appl Prev Psychol ; New Symposium Journal ;42 2 Indonesians embrace Islam by the end of or Psychol Rev ; Aker S, Böke Ö. Cultural factors in sex therapy: The Turkish experience. Faculty of Psychology, Makassar State University. Sonuç: Kişinin cinsel önyargılardan kurtulmasının en etkin yolu erken yaşta başlayan ve psikoseksüel gelişim boyunca devam eden cinsel eğitimdir. Among the cases assessed in the outpatient clinic during the last 3 years, In this study, while the vaginal penetration was reported in Azwar, S. ISSN: Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ; Dhall A. It is obvious that these children who are left alone by their families, do not have any sexual education. Araştırmaya, çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden üniversite öğrencisi dâhil edilmiştir. Among victim children and adolescents, most of the cases were 12 years old or older. Research Article. Cinsel istismar mağduru olan çocukların başvuru şekilleri, klinik ve sosyodemografik özellikleri. Trauma Violence Abuse ; A significant increase in the number of the legal cases related sexual abuse attracted the attention. In our study, adequate information about the families of the incest cases could not be obtained; however, in 4 Article Files Full Text. In a study conducted in , post traumatic stress disorder was observed in