Thank you for interesting in our services. We are a non-profit group that run this website to share documents. We need your help to maintenance this website. Please help us to share our service with your friends. Share Embed Donate. Report this link. No investigation has been made of common-law trademark rights in any word, because such investigation is impracticable. Indeed, no word in this book is to be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark. Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Houghton Mifflin Company unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Visit our website: www. Includes index. ISBN 1. English language--Etymology--Dictionaries. American Heritage dictionary. Houghton Mifflin Company. W '. Today English is the first language of over million people all over the globe, and the great diversity of English speakers is matched by the great diversity of English words. This diversity has arisen through a variety of historical processes, and in order to illustrate these processes vividly, this book traces all the twists and turns taken by over four hundred words on their journey into modern English. When we examine the origins of English words, even the words we use everyday, we find that English has drawn its vocabulary from a great variety of sources, and readers can discover in these pages a representative sample of these wide-ranging borrowings. However, English also has a considerable number of words that have been in continuous use for thousands of years, inheritances from the prehistoric ancestor of English spoken many thousands of years ago, Proto-Indo-European. In ix this century, most of the inhabitants of the United States speak English, but many regional differences in American speech can be heard easily. Some of these regional differences reflect the different areas of Britain and Ireland from which settlers arrived, but after all these years, it would be difficult to find a dialect back in the old country that sounds exactly the same as an American dialect. Occasionally we hear an elderly person use an old-fashioned word or expression, and we have to ask them what it means. I, for example, cherish a vivid memory of hearing my grandfather jokingly use the word moxie and asking him Houston Rockets Logo Escort Logo Png it meant. Or we find that older people have a slightly different accent. Over time, the differences that we can hear in our daily lives accumulate and eventually transform a language utterly. The results of thousands of years of such change have led to Modern English as we know it today. The story of English begins far from the shores of the United States, and even far from England. English belongs to the IndoEuropean family, one of the largest language families, which includes the languages of most of Europe and much of Asia, ranging from Ireland and Iceland to Iran and India. Linguists have demonstrated that such languages as Irish Gaelic, Welsh, English, German, French, Polish, Russian, Albanian, Armenian, Persian, Hindi, and a hundred more are descended from a single language spoken at least six thousand years ago, most probably in the region of the Black Sea. Linguists call this language Proto-Indo-European. We have no written records of this language, and we never will have any, since it must have been spoken long before the invention of writing. Nevertheless, many of the most common words in English are inherited from this prehistoric ancestor. Proto-Indo-European was notable in that many of its words could be broken down into roots, the minimal meaningful units from which larger words are built. Many roots had the basic shape of consonant-vowel-consonant. This root is discussed at the note on the word queen. From this root, speakers of Proto-Indo-European could also make other words by rearranging the sounds of the root Houston Rockets Logo Escort Logo Png adding suffixes. The w in this word is the consonantal form of the u— notice that the lips are rounded when making both the consonant w and the vowel u. Instead, such words are reconstructed, or recovered Houston Rockets Logo Escort Logo Png linguists through the comparison of words in related languages. Instead, they must have inherited the word from a common source. All of the other reconstructed forms marked with an asterisk in this book are supported by similar evidence. The Old English Period The distant ancestor of English, Proto-Indo-European, broke up into several branches, which are illustrated in the diagram on pages —
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